Photo by poolski This has been a challenging couple of months for me on a professional front. Before Christmas I was offered an acting job (yay!) only to lose it because I couldn’t do the dates they needed me for (boo). Then I was thrilled to get another job offer – for something shiny and […]
7 Ways to Still Be Productive When You Really Can’t be F*cked
I’m having one of those days today where I really just feel like shutting off the computer, fishing out the Love Film DVD’s which have been waiting to be watched, putting on my pj’s, making some tea and flaking on the sofa. A proper slobby day. Isn’t that what we think of actors doing a […]
Great Video from Molly Gordon – 5 principles for creating spaciousness, ease and prosperity in 2013
Molly Gordon is a great American coach – I recommend checking out her website and signing up for her newsletter. This is a video which she has just posted which is a really nice, succinct group of personal pledges to make going into 2013. I especially like the fifth one, to Speak Up – let people […]
Fruit Picking and Business Planning –
Start with the low hanging fruit Photo by Effervescing Elephant It’s January and the Christmas bills are starting to come in. Mother Hubbard’s cupboards are feeling a bit bare so as a freelancer it’s always the time of year where I start to worry about drumming up some more work. Sound familiar? My advice is […]
Why 90% of Resolutions Fail and the 10% Option That Actually Works
Here we are on the second of January and I bet you, like me and millions of other people, have at some point over the last few days given some thought to your ‘New Years Resolutions.’ Photo from One Way Stock I bet that list looks pretty much like the list you have drawn up […]
Downward Facing Dog of Shame (Embarrassing Auditions Pt 1)
Up and Down, a photo by Nicholas_T on Flickr. (That’s not me in the photo! Some random yogi off Flickr) Last week I had one of those classically embarrassing auditions. I squirmed in agony all weekend remembering butt-clenching details. I had been called to audition for a commercial for a major UK grocery chain. The […]
Budgeting for Creative Survival
There are many great things I took away from my MA in Creative Entrepreneurship from UEA ( The course leader, Ian Chance, is a charming man with a lifetime worth of experience in the field. He’s also wickedly funny. One of the things he taught us was to have our cabbages budget. As well as […]
Entrepreneurship Often Starts With Crazy Ideas
I spent a recent weekend working on one of my essays for my MA in Creative Entrepreneurship. We had to write a proposal for a project, with a budget and identifying target sources of funding. I struggled for a long time about what to write about. Then I came up with the idea of doing […]
Sustainability: How taking time off can HELP your creative practice
One really hard lesson that I am trying to learn (rather unsuccessfully) is about sustainability and pacing. You see part of sustainable creativity is how do you pace yourself to avoid burnout. Sustainability and habits (especially bad ones) I have got into really bad habits of working seven days per week. This means that I don’t […]