If you’ve ever felt like a caffeinated squirrel frantically jumping between projects, trying to balance your creative passion with the need to pay rent, you’re not alone. Enter IKIGAI —Japan’s elegant answer to the existential crisis that plagues creative entrepreneurs everywhere. So, what exactly is ikigai? Loosely translated, it means “reason for being.” It’s the […]
What Might a Marketing Plan for a Freelancer Look Like?
I’m sure you have already considered a number of components to finding clients and marketing your creative freelance business. Now I want you to think about how you are going put it together into a plan. Remember this: Marketing is a verb, not a noun. By that I mean that marketing is an activity, it […]
Quit Trying to Sell to Everyone
Would you like to find more joy, spaciousness and purpose in your life and your art? Then quit trying to sell to everyone. Here’s the thing: not everyone is going to get you. Not everyone is going to love you. Not everyone is going to like what you create. And that’s a good thing. See, […]
Ready to start being a Creative Entrepreneur? Here’s 3 things to stop!
1. Stop thinking ‘either – or’ thoughts Exploiting your creative capital doesn’t mean ‘selling out,’ it doesn’t mean ‘going commercial,’ it doesn’t mean abandoning your identity as an artist. You don’t need to throw your creative ideals out the window and start producing velvet paintings of kittens to woo your market. You don’t need […]
The Best of PicMonkey’s Tutorials – How to Edit Photos Like a Pro
In the pursuit of success with your creative endeavours, there will always be the need to put yourself and your brand out there for all to see. There wouldn’t be much point otherwise! You know the look you want to go for and you think your images are ready to be posted to your website, […]
My Top 5 Apps for Artists and Creatives
I’ve just got a new iPhone 6 plus and I am wondering how I ever accomplished anything before I got it. It is literally becoming my portable brain. With 64 gb of memory, I’m sure it has more retention ability than I do, so I find myself leaning more and more on it to help […]
Are your small business marketing messages landing?
Getting your marketing messages heard is critical for any creative small business owner. Most creative entrepreneurs are on board with social media and are using many of the modern marketing tools to get their messages out there. But are you repeating your messages often enough? Here’s where I see a lot of small business owners […]
Marketing 101 for Creative Entrepreneurs
What is marketing? Most creative entrepreneurs are frightened by the idea. But there are really just some very simple components to marketing. message target market the method/vehicle of communication All marketing involves clarifying the above points. It starts with your message What is the message you want to get across? Are you a new actor on […]
Is Your Business Model Up to Date as a Creative Entrepreneur?
Illegitimi non carborundum – Don’t let the bastards grind you down. It seems like an apt way to kick off this post. There are three incidents/factoids floating around in my head as I sit to write this. 1. My agent dropped me last week after just 8 months because I wasn’t available enough to audition […]
How Many Books Could You Sell by Christmas?
Whether you’re able to attend our London workshop or not, I want you think about what you could achieve by Christmas? How many books could you sell? How many chapters could you write? How many paintings could you complete? How many drafts of your play? How many grant applications could you complete? How many casting […]