Always do a small job for a new client first before agreeing to a large piece of work. You want to test that this is a good client to work for, including that they pay their invoices in full and on time, before you commit to a large piece of work with a new […]
When You Have TOO MUCH Work
For many freelancers there is a period where they are doing everything they can to find work and get their first few engagements, but with ongoing marketing and the development of a portfolio/good reputation you may find yourself in the enviable position of having more work than you can manage. Nice problem to have, but […]
5 Ways to Encourage Timely Payment of Freelance Invoices
Late payment of invoices is the number one complaint of freelancers. Here are 5 tips to build into your business practices to increase the chances of your invoices being paid in a timely manner. Spell It Out in T&Cs Have clear terms and conditions (including notification of charges for late invoices). Late Payment legislation in […]
The Best of PicMonkey’s Tutorials – How to Edit Photos Like a Pro
In the pursuit of success with your creative endeavours, there will always be the need to put yourself and your brand out there for all to see. There wouldn’t be much point otherwise! You know the look you want to go for and you think your images are ready to be posted to your website, […]
My Top 5 Apps for Artists and Creatives
I’ve just got a new iPhone 6 plus and I am wondering how I ever accomplished anything before I got it. It is literally becoming my portable brain. With 64 gb of memory, I’m sure it has more retention ability than I do, so I find myself leaning more and more on it to help […]
Books Don’t Sell Themselves (or 5 Ways to Get Your Books Into Readers’ Hands)
With nearly 150,000 new books published per year in the UK there is a flood of new titles clamouring for attention all the time. And that’s before we get to all the titles that are self-published. Whether fiction or non-fiction, there is an enormous amount of competition for the eyeballs (and wallets) of readers. Here’s […]
101 Ways to Cut Down Your Spending
We’ve been talking about money for about 6 weeks now – how to track it, why it’s important, how much you need, etc. If you’ve been starting to look closely at your own finances, you’re probably discovering you could do with some creative ways to stretch your money further. Never fear. We heed your call […]
10 Ways to Remain a ‘Starving Artist’
1. Give it away for free You’re probably sick of it, right? I mean you’ve spent hours/days/weeks/months slaving over it. Perhaps it’s been a struggle to bring this piece of art to life – looking at it might remind you of the sleepless nights or the painful doubts it caused you. So just get rid […]