“Take action every day. It doesn’t have to be dramatic action, but every day, stick with it. Spend time on things that make you proud, that stretch and strengthen you.” – Phillip Humbert I’m pretty new to this making-it-alone thing, when you put it into perspective. I’m two years out of university, and while it’s […]
7 Ways to Still Be Productive When You Really Can’t be F*cked
I’m having one of those days today where I really just feel like shutting off the computer, fishing out the Love Film DVD’s which have been waiting to be watched, putting on my pj’s, making some tea and flaking on the sofa. A proper slobby day. Isn’t that what we think of actors doing a […]
Keep the Faith – Believing in Your Abilities
Hello my lovelies, well my show has opened. In fact we’re almost halfway through the short run already. It was a total whirlwind learning this large role in a week and was a good test for me to see if I could actually do it. I’m glad to say that I succeeded in learning everything […]
6. Follow the leaders in your field
In your quest to keep your ear to the ground, you should be following all of the leaders in your field on social media. Set up bookmarks for their blogs, follow them on Twitter, or follow their fan pages on Facebook. You may decide you want to try and connect with them directly on LinkedIn, […]
5. Listen first, then talk
Good face-to-face conversation involves listening more than you talk. Likewise in social media. You want to spend more time listening to what it already being said, and seeing where you can contribute to the dialogue, rather than shouting overtop of existing conversations or trying to monopolise the bandwidth. This is true at all times, but […]
4. Establish metrics
Once you’ve set your goals for social media, you want to figure out how you are going to measure your progress. Think of ways that you can tally up your reach on social media. This will allow you to track from year to year your progress; afterall, you will need to invest time in social […]
3. Define your goals
This is part Three of my series ’65 Social Media Strategies for Performing Artists’ What do you hope to achieve with social media? Who would you like to meet? Without goals, you will be floundering around not really making any impact. You will also have no idea if the time you are spending on it […]
2. Stake your claim
The first thing you want to do is to stake your claim by registering with all the major social media platforms in order to capture your name, or a close to your name as you can get, on the popular sites. Even if you don’t use them all, or don’t want to set them up […]