1. How will they remember you when you leave?
This idea of a ‘leave behind’ is a new one to me. I mean, everyone knows they should have a business card and maybe a brochure or flyer you can leave with clients or hand to people who are interested in your work, but a leave behind is a bit more creative and a bit more stealth. A good leave behind is something that people really treasure, that they hang on to, that they show their friends – but that also reminds the person of you and your work. It’s an ‘aide memoire’ that helps you to remain top of mind. I’m looking for creative examples of leave behinds, and here’s a good post with examples. What could you create as a leave behind for your work?
2. How to market when short on cash
Sometimes we’re stumped with how to market ourselves and our work. What to do? Or what to do first? Moo produce fantastic business cards and other printed materials. The thing that’s nice about them is you can feature different images on each piece, allowing you to have a lot of different messages about your and your brand (portable portfolio?). They also have a good blog. Here’s a good article on how to get some marketing action without spending a lot of money.
3. What does a ‘portfolio career’ look like?
Lots of people will say that the solution for artists and creatives is to have a ‘portfolio career’ and yet too often can they really tell you, with examples, what that looks like. Here’s a good snapshot of a portfolio career for a musician.
4. Are you cut out to work in the White House?
We all struggle to get stuff done, but get stuff done you must! That’s the difference between those who talk about their dreams and those who achieve their dreams. Action is the great divide. Here’s 4 solid tips from a former White House staffer. Obey. Conquer.
5. Get out and go walk!
Why getting out of your studio and going for a walk could be your smartest move ever (but not until after you read this post…)
6. Go to work on an egg
I’ve been trying to eat a lot more protein (and fewer carbohydrates) and having eggs every morning is a great way to kick start my protein consumption. I also find I don’t have the mid-morning slumps that I used to experience when breakfast was a bowl of cereal. However, eggs can become pretty samey samey everyday – so try one of these to mix things up.
Good read and informative.