I was recently asked to present to a group of artists on the topic of ‘confidence.’ I led with the statement that ‘Confidence doesn’t exist. It comes and goes. Quit chasing it.’ Well, I ruffled some feathers. Someone immediately posted in the chat ‘confidence most definitely does exist!’ – Does it? How do you know? […]
Mindfulness Exercises for Leaders: Enhancing the Circle of Safety
In our previous article, we explored the concept of building a Circle of Safety within teams, a principle highlighted by Simon Sinek in “Leaders Eat Last.” This Circle of Safety fosters trust, empathy, and collaboration, creating an environment where team members feel secure and valued. But how can leaders enhance this Circle of Safety through […]
Building a Circle of Safety: The Key to Thriving Teams
How leaders can create psychological safety for their team is something that should be paramount for all leaders. In the fast-paced world of creative industries, where innovation and collaboration are paramount, the concept of a Circle of Safety can be a game-changer for leaders and their teams. Coined by Simon Sinek in his book “Leaders […]