Whenever I have to consider balancing work and life, it always takes me back to being a kid and being grounded.
(Maybe you were never grounded and won’t relate to this story….)
I remember staring out the window for hours wishing/hoping/praying that I could be outside playing with the neighbours. But I was stuck inside.
Some days it feels like that when you freelance from home.
Actually it can feel like that whenever you have work to do, wherever you are. There are a finite number of really nice days in a place like London and so when the sun is shining and it’s meant to hit 25 degrees (like today in London) it’s really hard to commit to getting the work done.
But that’s what it takes – commitment.
The secret to being productive
The secret to actually get work done is discipline. It’s sadly about knowing when you need to keep your nose to the grindstone and when you can let up.
Balancing work and life
It’s actually discipline that’s required to balance work and life!
It’s also about balance. Today I plan to try and figure out how to work in focused blocks of time, which will then allow me to have focused blocks of time being outside soaking up the rays.
But my work comes first. If I don’t get the work done, I don’t get to go outside and play.
It seems harsh, but it’s the only way to drive forward in my career. Missed deadlines mean missed opportunities and I don’t want that.
How do you find the balance between work and play? How do you balance work and life?
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